For months I complained to my writers group (among others) bemoaning the unresponsiveness of editors and the dearth of ideas tickling my few remaining brain cells. There was a vast swathe of not- exactly-writers-block so much as an inability to scribble more than a half coherent sentence much less an entire paragraph of an SF story. I was willing but the ideas were not forthcoming and the gloom was deepening. I had ten pieces in circulation and there was no word, not a peep from any editor. This is it, I told myself, as I prepared to whimper off the field sans bang.
Then I suddenly and miraculously received four (4) acceptances in the same day! A novella, a novelette, and two short stories. Glory rained down from the heavens, angel voices rose in the background and happiness descended on the good. Did I mention the (much amended) book contract being signed the same week? My virtual cup overflowed! I felt so validated that the two (2) rejections that followed did not disappoint but were submitted to other editors on my list.
After a brief celebration I realized that I now had only a few stories in the pipeline and had to get busy. It was as if the floodgates had opened and ideas, plots, situations, and stories began churning once more. I resumed work on a novelette I had abandoned, penned another short story, sent it off, and then began another small piece. Pop, pop, pop - off they flew, one after another to roost gods know where. My inventory of stories is building once more!
Strange what a little encouragement will do.
Then I suddenly and miraculously received four (4) acceptances in the same day! A novella, a novelette, and two short stories. Glory rained down from the heavens, angel voices rose in the background and happiness descended on the good. Did I mention the (much amended) book contract being signed the same week? My virtual cup overflowed! I felt so validated that the two (2) rejections that followed did not disappoint but were submitted to other editors on my list.
After a brief celebration I realized that I now had only a few stories in the pipeline and had to get busy. It was as if the floodgates had opened and ideas, plots, situations, and stories began churning once more. I resumed work on a novelette I had abandoned, penned another short story, sent it off, and then began another small piece. Pop, pop, pop - off they flew, one after another to roost gods know where. My inventory of stories is building once more!
Strange what a little encouragement will do.